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  1. Structured data types can be selected as a data type for a property in the same way as for the primitive data types, such as int, float, string, etc.
  2. Structured data types can contain any number of data elements, each of which can be a primitive type, an array, or even another structure
  3. The data elements are organized as name/value pairs, according to the JSON format
  4. Arrays, data structures, and other types of data elements can be nested within a JSON data structure
  5. We'll be creating a persistent “_settings” property for our “Thermometer” thing, which contains named values based on a new structured data type
  6. The data structure will be defined with the following elements of data:
    • unitOfMeasure - string, accepts only "celsius" or "fahrenheit”
    • ledColor - string, accepts only "red", "green", or "blue"
  7. A script property called “settings” will then be created to provide the logic for getting the current "_settings" property values or setting new ones if they are validated


  1. A "Thermometer" thing was created in the Create, Read And Write Property scenario
  2. All new "_settings" property values must be validated before storing as a persistent property
  3. If any of the "_settings" property values don't match one of the acceptable strings, an error will be indicated
  4. The UI or API can be used with the "settings" property to execute the code for getting/setting property values for “_settings” (with validation)


1. Creating a "ThermometerSettings" structured data type

  1. Click "Data Types" in the main menu to open a tab listing the data types
  2. Click "+" to open "Create Structure Type" dialog
  3. Enter "ThermometerSettings" as the name for the new structured data type
  4. Click "+" button to add the data elements to the data structure
  5. Set the name of the first data element to "unitOfMeasure"
  6. Check "Required" 
  7. Select "string" in the drop-down menu as the data type for this element (clicking "..." opens the menu)
  8. Click "+" button again
  9. Set the name of the second data element to "ledColor"
  10. Check "Required" 
  11. Select "string" again in the drop-down menu as the data type for this element
  12. Click "Save" to save the new structured data type

"ThermometerSettings" has now been added to the list in the "Data Types" tab, and can be selected as a data type for a property

2. Creating a persistent "_settings" property

  1. Open "Properties" in the "Thing: Thermometer" tab
  2. Click "New" to open "Create Property" dialog
  3. Enter "_settings" as the name for this property
  4. Select "persistent" as the property type
  5. To select "DataType", click the "..." button to open a drop-down menu
  6. Click "more types" in this menu to open the "Select Type" dialog
  7. Type "Therm" in the search field to locate the new structured data type
  8. Select "ThermometerSettings" in the search results
  9. Click "Select" to enter the new data type in the "Data Type" field
  10. Check "Private" (property value in GK can only be set internally by methods or script property logic)
  11. Save the new property

The persistent "_settings" property now contains values based on the "ThermometerSettings" structured data type, and has been set to "Private"

3. Creating a script "settings" property

  1. Open "Properties"
  2. Click to open "Create Property" dialog
  3. Enter "settings" as the name for this property
  4. Select "script" as the property type
  5. Follow steps 5 - 9 of the previous section to select "ThermometerSettings" as "Data Type" for this property
  6. Save the new property

A script for the new "settings" property will be coded in the next step based on the "ThermometerSettings" structured data type:

4. Coding the get/setSettings script logic for "settings"

  1. Open "Properties"
  2. Select the new "settings" script property
  3. Click to open "Edit Script" dialog
  4. Insert the following JavaScript code for both getSettings( ) and setSettings( ) functions:

  5. Save script by clicking "Save"

The script "settings" property contains code to get/set "_settings" property values with the "ThermometerSettings" structured data type

The code for setting values includes a validation check for allowable values

Current "_settings" property values can be retrieved or new values can be set (if validated) by using UI or API with the "settings" property as follows:

5. Get/set property values using UI

  1. Select "Properties"
  2. Select the "settings" script property
  3. Click "Edit Value" to open a dialog
  4. Insert the following code in the "Value" text area (values correspond with the new "ThermometerSettings" structured data type):

  5. Click "Set" to retain the structured data values in the persistent memory locations for "_settings"
  6. Click "Get" to retrieve the current "_settings" property values

Clicking "Get" or "Set" executes the corresponding code for the script "settings" property, which will either get or set data values for "_settings" (with validation)

6. Get/set property values using REST API

  1. Check out the GadgetKeeper API - Thing Properties page for details on how to perform basic method operations on GadgetKeeper API using cURL or a REST API tool
  2. Obtain required parameters:
    1. obtain the Thing Id, see instructions here.
    2. obtain the property Id, such as "temperature", see instructions here
    3. create an API Key, see instructions here
  3. Use API Explorer to perform REST calls using UI
  4. Use cURL to perform REST calls using command lines:

          To get property value:

          To set property value: 


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